Recently published open access: Ambidexterity in cross-border media management

The research project Cross-Border Media Communication (CBMC) presents a new journal article, recently published online in the Journal of Media Business Studies. The CBMC project team, including Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen, Pamela Nölleke-Przybylski (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Matthias Karmasin, Denise Voci (University of Klagenfurt) as well as M. Bjørn von Rimscha and Johanna E. Möller (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), focuses on the cross-border activities of media companies. The recently published open access article shows that organizational ambidexterity is a fruitful approach to investigate such activities. In the course of digitisation processes, it becomes apparent that explorative internationalisation strategies are gaining in importance compared to explorative ones.