Study Program

Media Management specialization in the Master of Communication

Books, newspapers, magazines, broadcasting, music, film and the internet – the media industry is a multifaceted, dynamic economic sector and labor market. The digital revolution, a fast-changing media use behavior and new communication needs of the advertising industry lead to turbulent trigger dynamic developments in the media markets and pose new challenges for management.

The business of information, education, entertainment and communication has its own rules and laws which need to be understood when shaping the future of the media. It will be realized in the interplay of creatives and of those, who are responsible for economic, organizational and technological aspects. Without an understanding of the formative conditions and the effects of the media, media managers would not able to shape this interplay successfully.

The Media Management ppecialization aims to qualify students as future leaders for all kinds of media enterprises and media-related institutions as well as for an academic career in media economic research and teaching. Potential employers are, amongst others, newspaper and magazine publishers, broadcasters , music and book publishers, internet companies, production companies, advertising, media and market research agencies, furthermore consulting agencies focusing on the media sector.

Courses on media business administration, techniques of management as well as media economic research and practice provide the students wizh knowlede about the characteristics of the media and its markets. Beyond, they acquire skills in project-based worl train to work in teams and present their own results. An compulsory internship in a media enterprise and an optional semester abroad complete the program. The focus on media business connects theory and practice in way unique for German universities. The courses in the first semester are attended by all students of the Master in Communication

Please note that only selected courses are thought in English.

Current courses and lectures




SoSe 2024